• Dry bulk shipping market conditions improving for owners, but hurdles remain: Bancosta

    Market conditions for dry bulk shipowners have seen a slight improvement this summer due to a slowdown in the growth of the global dry bulk fleet in 2015 as well as an increase in demand since June for a number of dry commodities, Italian shipbroker Banchero Costa (Bancosta) said Thursday. While ...

    Asia Dry Bulk -Capesize rates to fall on excess tonnage supply, uncertain demand

    Freight rates for capesize bulk carriers are set to slide further next week, after falling to their lowest level in five weeks, due to a mounting supply of tonnage and uncertain cargo demand, ship brokers said on Thursday. “There’s too many ships in the Pacific. There’s a lot of ballasters (empt ...

    Persistent problems in nickel ore trade in the Philippines

    Further to previous club advice including the club’s publication on Liquefaction of Mineral Ore and Mineral Concentrates, problems persist in the mining and transportation of nickel ore from the Philippines. Whilst demand is still high for nickel ores, cargo values remain lower such that many mi ...

    Dry bulk market’s rise poses more challenges for both buyers and sellers in the S&P market

    The latest rise of the Baltic Dry Index (BDI) has posed more challenges both for buyers and for sellers in the market for secondhand vessels. Rates in the past weeks have without a doubt reached healthier levels, heating up market talk that the bottom has been reached and that going forward the ...

    Yuan devaluation spurs India to consider more curbs on steel imports

    India said it’s being forced to consider steel safeguard duties and more anti-dumping curbs as the yuan’s devaluation threatens to stoke surging Chinese shipments. A steel import-tax increase earlier this month may not be enough of a deterrence, financial services secretary Hasmukh Adhia said. A ...

    S. Korea’s steel imports up 2.3 pct in July

    South Korea’s steel imports climbed 2.3 percent in July from a year earlier on the back of increased shipments from China, industry data showed Monday. Steel imports came to 1.96 million tons last month, compared with the 1.92 million tons tallied in the previous year, according to the data comp ...

    Analysis: Atlantic Supramax dry bulk inquiry slows, but ship count stays tight

    Inquiry for dry bulk commodities in the Atlantic Supramax market slowed this week, but with key loading regions still tight on tonnage, freight rates looked set to stay rangebound for the remainder of the month, according to shipping sources. On East Coast South America, though the grain export ...

    Troubled dry bulk market faces turmoil as Chinese coal imports remain weak

    The demand for coal in China continues to diminish. So much in fact that India is expected to succeed China as the world’s largest importer of coal this year. China’s consumption of coal accounts for just over 50 per cent of global consumption, however only around 5 per cent of it stems from imp ...

    India increases import duty on steel

    A day after devaluation of the Chinese yuan, the government on August 12 announced a 2.5%increase in customs duty on flat and long steel products, amid a growing clamour for protectionism from the metal industry, which is passing through a rough phase due to a crash in global prices and over cap ...

    Chinese iron ore jumps to 5-week high

    Iron ore futures in China jumped nearly 4 percent on Thursday to their highest in more than five weeks, extending recent gains on hopes stronger steel exports from China due to a weaker yuan would support demand for the raw material. Also aiding sentiment, the flow of iron ore stocked at China’s ...

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